Sometimes knowing our own interests can be quite an intriguing and complex process.

"Kid in him is still alive," said Sara Tendulkar on her father loving Mumbai rains.
Here, the father mentioned is none other than the man considered God of cricket, Sachin Tendulkar.
But do you wonder why at the age of 47 years too, the kid in him is still alive?
Because he spent the whole life of his doing something close to his heart, pursued something where his interest matched his aptitude, and worked hard to meet the challenges that came with it. Sachin followed his passion for cricket, dedicatedly.
Career contentment is one of the key ingredients of a happy and satisfying life. This satisfaction comes from knowing yourself, your interests, aptitudes, and transforming these to your walk of life.
Sometimes knowing our own interests can be quite an intriguing and complex process.
Sometimes we're a jack of all trades. Sometimes we have really specialized that we're afraid to go ahead with it. Sometimes what we like is outside our comfort zone or even for our parents. Sometimes we are just now sure.
Sometimes, we realize we don't like what we're doing after investing so many years in it already.
It's not the end of the world.
The important point to realize here is that there's still something alive inside you that wants to chase your passion, or find one, instead of giving in to a mundane, reasonable life most of us can settle for.
Don't be afraid to grow. Don't be afraid of change.
But since it is easier said than done, counseling comes to your rescue in such a phase of life. The process of sharing your thought process with someone without judgment in itself a big stress relief, but counselors are also experts equipped with skills to identify knowing one's interests, aptitudes and traits through personalized counseling and psychometric assessments.
But the best part of career counseling is not just limited to identifying your aptitudes and interests. After identifying your inner passion and aptitude, the process of career counseling can also continue to guide you to navigate through relevant career options that not only fulfill you with contentment but also monetarily.
Dr. Venika Krishna is a counselor and career coach, who has guided students and their families across India in various schools and universities to bring them close to their career choices and true interests. If you're one of them who needs just a little push in the right direction, don't be afraid to reach out.
